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How to use a domain that I already own?

Follow these 2 steps precisely to link a domain you already own to your portfolio at UXfolio:

Step one: Log in to your Domain Provider’s Page and modify your domain's A records under its DNS settings:

  1. Point the default A record (@) to this IP address:

  2. Point the second A record (www) to the same IP address:

Important: Your domain shouldn't have any other DNS records! Only these two.

Step two: Configure your domain settings in UXfolio:

  1. Open the portfolio editor.

  2. Click Settings in the menu bar.

  3. Choose Own domain in the sidebar.

  4. Click Use your own domain here at the bottom of the modal.

  5. Enter your domain to the field that says Enter your domain here.

  6. Hit Connect.

Important: You don't need to do anything else after these 2 steps. If you followed everything precisely, your domain will start working shortly. However, depending on your domain provider, the configuration can take up to 72 hours.

How to find your A records at various domain registrars:

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