Follow these steps to change the font style of your thumbnails:
- Open the Portfolio editor.
- Make sure that titles are visible on your thumbnails.
- Find your case study grid (on your main page).
- Click Edit case study grid on the right.
- Choose Below/Above/Inside/Hover as the Text position (any of them but Hidden).
- Click on the title or subtitle textbox.
- Click the edit icon on the top left. This will open the Fonts sidebar.
- Click Edit headings then edit the Thumbnail title.
- Click Save.
- Click Edit paragraphs then edit the Thumbnail description.
- Click Save.
- Open the Portfolio editor.
- Make sure that titles are visible on your thumbnails.
- Find your case study grid (on your main page).
- Click Edit case study grid on the right.
- Choose Below/Above/Inside/Hover as the Text position (any of them but Hidden).
- Click Design in the menu bar.
- Choose Fonts from the sidebar.
- Click Edit headings then edit the Thumbnail title.
- Click Save
- Click Edit paragraphs then edit the Thumbnail description.
- Click Save.